Posts Tagged ‘NATO’

Just How Close Are We To World War Three

September 19, 2012

While the UK papers and television news stations rant and rave about racism and homophobia in football, the sheer injustice of making sure kids can at least write their own name before awarding them a GCSE A level in everything or that we should plunge ourselves even deeper into deebt and surrender more national sovereignty to the EU, we have heard little about how rapidly things are deteriorating in the middle east.

Have you read or heard in your news supplier of choice of the recent massive troop movements in Israel, the massive build up of British, French and American warships around the approaches to the Persian gulf or just how badly the situations in Egypt and Libya have deteriorated since the so called liberations.

You may have heard that an attack on the allies Camp Bastion base in Afghanistan forced Prince Harry to put his knob away or risk getting it shot off but have you heard a word about how big or professionally executed that attack was?

From The Examiner, 16 September, 2012

The Taliban attack against Camp Bastion/ Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan that killed two U.S. Marines and wounded several others was conducted with military like precision.

According to the Wall Street Journal, “The coordinated Taliban attack destroyed six Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier jump-jets and “significantly” damaged two others, as well as some hangars, the coalition said. The Taliban also destroyed three refueling stations. Harrier jets cost about $30 million to $40 million dollars apiece – for a total in of anywhere between $180- $240 million dollars in damage.

A US military press release stated “Taliban dressed in American uniforms managed to get into a main NATO Air Base and destroyed six of our AV-8B Harrier fighter jets,”

Big news you might think, seeing as how the official line is that our boys have the Taliban on the run. But no, all the headlines were about Prince Harry.

Read full story

Once again the world’s economic situation is far more precarious than is being reported. Falls in the value of the US$ over the past few days will soon be ironed out at other nations relaign their currencies with the reserve currency but gold is on the rise again and all these things add up to higher prices in the supermarket and at the petrol pump for all of us.

Syria Attacks Turkey: Will This Trigger Western Involvement
Daily Stirrer – September 2012
Songs Of Glory (poem)
Middle East
Greenteethmm on War